I have been in the mortgage/financing industry for many years and through all of these years, many things have become obvious to me and my associates. There is a lack of VA knowledge amongst mortgage companies.
After successfully helping many of our service members after a troubling experience with another lender, we decided that our mission should focus on helping those who have served by being the experts in VA home loans and making sure they receive the best service but also the expertise of our VA home loan experts.
My grandfather served in the U.S. Navy during WWII, though he rarely spoke about his service time when he did it was obvious that it was important to him and that supporting the Military of our great country is crucial. With my background in financing, ability to provide clear instruction, and execute game plans I can support our Military every day and I’m proud to do so.
All rights reserved. Security America Mortgage is licensed under the terms
of the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry NMLS® 355253