The Closing Costs for a VA Loan

At Security America Mortgage, we adhere to strict editorial integrity, take a look to learn more. When buying a home with the VA loan, there is no down payment, making it an excellent option for veterans. However, one financial obstacle that veterans will still need to face is closing costs. Closing costs are paid at […]

Getting a VA Loan When Self-Employed

At Security America Mortgage, we adhere to strict editorial integrity, take a look to learn more. When buying a home, your employment and your income are a key factor in whether or not you will be approved for a mortgage loan. If you are self-employed, you may face some unique challenges to get a loan. […]

VA Energy Efficient Mortgage

At Security America Mortgage, we adhere to strict editorial integrity, take a look to learn more. VA Energy Efficient Mortgage Loan Your home is getting older, and the windows have been letting the cold air seep in, taxing your poor heating system, and raising your energy costs. It can be expensive to upgrade your home […]

6 Loans for Aspiring Homeowners to Maintain Their Financial Well-Being

At Security America Mortgage, we adhere to strict editorial integrity, take a look to learn more. If you have decided to build your home or some other construction project on your own, rather than buying it, you can’t count on mortgages. However, in this case, you can get yourself a construction loan that you can […]

Great Tips to help you with your VA Loan

At Security America Mortgage, we adhere to strict editorial integrity, take a look to learn more. Great tips to help you with your VA Loan. Buying a home using your VA loan benefits can be one of the most exciting transactions you’ll ever make. But it can certainly come with moments of frustration and uncertainty. Maybe that’s not […]